For many years, we have several MLOL supporters who kindly donate much needed funds annually to keep Malawian girls in secondary school at Stella Maris.
Stella Maris is an all girls secondary school, where girls live on-site, in urban Blantyre and has been part of the MLOL family since the beginning.
Nearly every visitor to Malawi with our project - and many other initiatives - have been treated to the infamous Sunday mass at Stella Maris.
Former headteachers from the school have also visited Glasgow as part of the former exchange programme over the years and have become strong supporters of our project.
We have always been vocal about the need to keep girls in education and the impact this can have for a young person's life chances.
Unlike Scotland, secondary schooling in Malawi is not compulsory and there is an imbalance of females progressing to secondary learning.
We have tried to help by sponsoring girls at Stella Maris over the last 15 years and would like this to continue.
Following a social media plea - two well-known MLOLs - Marie Breckenridge and Dale Henderson - have kindly agreed to fund Eunice and Tereza - two Stella Maris pupils going into form 4 in September.
Eunice and Tereza are two ambitious young women who have aspirations to be lawyers - without this support they would not be able to complete their secondary education.
Thanks so much!
Could you help out too?
Please email for more information.